Discover the 6 trends for the corporate events industry for 2023 here
Over the past two years we have made a u-turn from 'on location' to 'from home' and also seen that people were regularly presented with the same concept.
Even now that we can be present in the flesh again, we see that we are not going back completely to how the situation was before the pandemic. Hybrid events have become the standard and new technology makes it possible to make this more than a live broadcast.
But which developments are relevant for the corporate event manager? In this blog you can read what awaits the corporate events sector in 2023.
Trend 1: Hybrid events
Digital events before the pandemic were almost unthinkable, no one would turn up for that. Two years ago we came back to that and changed course. Fully online was the new standard. Now that we are allowed to gather physically again, the urge for many is great to return completely to offline occasions as we knew them before. That's a shame, because hybrid events are the best way to bring together the best of both worlds.
“ 86% of B2B organizations see a positive ROI in the 7 months following their hybrid event.”
For the event manager, there is another advantage to (partially) digitizing events, namely the wealth of data it produces. This is valuable information that will help you organize your next event.
Trend 2. Metaverse to automation
We already saw it coming back with the hybrid event: technology plays a key role in making successful events possible. Whether that's completely online, physical or a combination, you can't do without it. And that may sound like an open door, because 'technology' is very broad.
The popularity of the metaverse is mainly due to the fact that it offers unlimited possibilities for a huge audience. Always wanted to organize your event in the middle of a jungle? Or perhaps in the most beautiful sky bar that is actually priceless? With endless break-out rooms or walks along waterfalls for networking.
Trend 3: Popularity of micro events
The time of big, bigger, biggest is over. Of course, mass events with dozens of stages and thousands of visitors will still be organized, but an important trend is the emergence of micro events where the focus is on intimacy and involvement. This is partly possible thanks to the many possibilities that technology and digitization offer.
In addition, such an event feels exclusive, which ensures involvement. A micro event binds the visitor to your brand through depth and a clear message.
Curious about the other 3 trends and what influence all these trends have on the business events industry?
Our experts have put together a trend report with the 6 most important trends that focus on developments in the corporate event industry.
Prepare for the future to remain interesting for your target group.